Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Journey

For those of you who know me, you know that I have spent the last six months on a journey to
be healthier. My parents medical history included Sugar Diabetes and Heart Disease, among other things, so I decided I would try to lose weight to help fend off any of these life changing diseases.

I started Curves in May, lost three pounds, skipped June, then started back in July determined to take control of my health. I go at least 3 times a week, more if I can, and I am taking walks when possible, taking the stairs, parking further away from the store. Little things go a long way. Curves is AWESOME! The coaches there are so sweet and uplifting, and are there for you to cheer you on for every pound or inch you lose. I wholeheartedly recommend Curves, it's so much fun, you don't even realize you are getting a full workout!

I am NOT dieting. I am making better choices. I choose a turkey burger over a hamburger, whole wheat bread instead of white, vegetables instead of rice and pasta. A low fat yogurt instead of ice cream or cake. And I am
enjoying myself. My husband and son are in with me. My son has lost 47 lbs, my husband around 40, and I have lost an amazing (for me) 52 pounds!!! Amazing because I didn't think I could do it.No pills, no shakes, no diet aids at all. Just healthy eating, and exercise.

I am absolutely thrilled! I still have a ways to go but I am off to a great start. Here is a link to
a local magazine (page 58 I believe) where we celebrate Curves 10 years. Read Article Here
Hope you don't mind the personal post and the rambling, but this is a milestone for me and I needed to share it. Thanks for listening.


  1. HURRAY! I am so happy for you and your "boys"

    So good to know that it can be done with what the doctors have said all along - eating right and exercise.

    I'm over here in Texas celebrating for you (without cake)



    See ya in a few :-)
